Categories: Relationships

His Girlfriend Blamed Him For Destroying Her Birthday After He Left Early Because She Invited Her Ex

Bre Avery Zacharski

But then, his girlfriend casually stated that she invited her ex to come out with them. He questioned his girlfriend about whether or not she was serious, and she confirmed it wasn’t a prank she was trying to play.

He emphasized how he felt about getting drinks with the guy before telling his girlfriend he disliked that she had no regard for his feelings. He couldn’t believe she did this anyway.

“I said it’s weird how insistent she is about drinking with her ex and that if he arrives, I’ll be leaving,” he added.

“She said I was being unfair, and then he arrived, so I walked off. A couple of her friends asked her why she had invited her ex.”

“Later that night, she got home and accused me of ruining her birthday, but I just pointed out she did it to herself by ignoring the fact I had already told her I wasn’t comfortable going for drinks with him.”

Do you think it’s weird that his girlfriend can’t grasp why he was uneasy about the surprise guest?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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