
His Girlfriend Blamed Him For Destroying Her Birthday After He Left Early Because She Invited Her Ex

Monkey Business - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Before this 28-year-old guy entered his 25-year-old girlfriend’s life three years ago, she had two previous relationships.

At the beginning of this year, his girlfriend received a random message from one of her exes, curious about how she was doing.

She owned up to the message and wanted to know if he would be cool with her responding. He didn’t lie; he affirmed finding it strange.

But there’s nothing he can do to prevent his girlfriend from speaking to people she wants to communicate with.

Lately, he’s been having a difficult time in a social sense, because many of his friends have moved away for their families or careers. As for his college friends, he barely sees any of them, as they live all across America.

He was confiding in his girlfriend about his struggles with friends, and she brought up grabbing drinks with her ex. Her ex had indicated that he wanted to speak to him over cocktails some evening.

“I said no and that I have no intention of being friends with her ex-boyfriend and that I’m not comfortable with going for drinks with him,” he explained.

“She didn’t mention it again. It was her birthday [over] the weekend, and she mentioned that she wanted to go for drinks with me and a large group of her friends.”

They booked a portion of a cocktail bar to celebrate, and on the night of his girlfriend’s birthday, everything was going great.

Monkey Business – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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