Categories: Relationships

His Fiancée Gave Him The Engagement Ring Back, But Asked To Have It Again A Few Days Later

Bre Avery Zacharski

Not long after, they left the event, and as soon as he got back into the car with his fiancée and her daughter, they started to treat him quite coldly.

Then they said he had no right to speak to their family members before accusing him of not being loyal.

His fiancée and her daughter maintained he deeply hurt them by seeking out their family members to talk to at the event.

When they all got back home, things just ramped up, and finally, he went to bed. He thought to himself that he was really done with his fiancée and her family drama.

“I was just so tired of this family coming up all the time, and being told how much they hate them, and feeling like the new guy parachuted into the middle of all this old ex-family [stuff],” he said.

“So I left and went to a hotel. The next morning she called me and was furious and wanted to argue. I was so tired and sick of it, and I had plans with my kids, so I just said hey, can you leave my stuff at the door? I’ll pick it up, and we can talk later.”

“So I go to her place to pick up my stuff, and she meets me at the door and is just vicious and nasty. She looked at me like real icy and just said, “And you can have your…ring back too,” and closed the door.”

In the two days that followed, his fiancée calmed down, and they were able to have a discussion about what happened.

There were some points they were able to agree on and others they couldn’t. Around a day later, his fiancée asked if she could have her engagement ring back.

He declined to give it back to her and stated it’s something he has to feel ready to give back; it’s not something that can get tossed around whenever she’s mad at him.

“So I still have it,” he continued. “And I just feel numb about it. All the joy I felt when I gave it to her is gone, and I don’t really want to give it to her again.”

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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