
He’s Hung Up On A Woman He Met In Paris, And He Ruined Their Romance After Saying They Weren’t Serious

“I said that I can’t be just friends with her after everything we had and that she can give me a call if she changes her mind,” he remembered.

“She said maybe after a week, she might miss and call me. We hung up. She didn’t call me after that, and I was removed from her social media.”

Months into their breakup, he couldn’t get her off his mind and was hardly interested in dating anyone else.

Last summer, when he knew she’d be back home, he decided to reach out to her again and offered to visit her in England.

They had one great night in her hometown, catching up and reminiscing on their time in Paris, but for the rest of his trip, she ignored him and blew off their plans, stating she didn’t want to see him anymore because she had no interest in being long-distance.

He saw her once since then, when she was in Paris for a few days in the fall, and they had a pleasant dinner. But she made it clear that they still couldn’t be together romantically.

“It felt like physical pain, and I couldn’t focus on work the next day,” he admitted.

“Since then, many times I have felt that I am over her, only to discover that I’m wrong. That she’s always invading my thoughts.”

What advice do you have for him regarding moving on from this short-lived romance?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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