
He’s Hung Up On A Woman He Met In Paris, And He Ruined Their Romance After Saying They Weren’t Serious

Ekaterina Pokrovsky - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Ekaterina Pokrovsky - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man is hung up on a woman he met in Paris and isn’t sure he’ll ever be able to get over her since their romance was that incredible.

He’s 25 and has been living in Paris for a few years. In 2022, he met a 23-year-old English woman in the city as an exchange student on a dating app. He began swooning over her after a memorable first date in a Parisian café.

Since both of their families were in other parts of the world, they spent the entire holiday season together, enjoying Christmas in Paris, going on more exciting outings, and growing quite fond of each other.

One day, while hanging out and laughing, she asked him the famous “What are we?” question. 

“Since the mood was not serious at all at that moment, I gave her the stupidest answer you can think of,” he recalled.

“I said, ‘We’re two people who like to have fun together,’ even though I liked her so much and my romantic intentions were serious.”

After he downplayed their relationship, things became awkward between him and his date. She continued to text him in the following days, but her tone was colder, and he found it harder to make plans with her.

Weeks before she was due to return to England for school, they had an intense conversation where she suggested they try to be friends instead of entering something more committed. 

Ekaterina Pokrovsky – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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