
He’s Been Slowly Distancing Himself From His Female Friend After Realizing He Fell In Love With Her, And She Didn’t Feel The Same Way

He clarified that he did not cut her off completely. Rather, he’s been scaling back their one-on-one hangouts, which hasn’t been easy for him, either.

“I miss them as well, to be totally honest, but I can’t just sit there pretending all the character traits that make her an awesome friend wouldn’t also make her an awesome partner,” he explained.

He hopes that as time passes, the pain of being rejected will fade, and he’ll be able to be her full-fledged friend again. But, as of now, he’s just really sad.

“Aspects of myself I can’t do anything about prevent me from experiencing the type of love billions take for granted every day,” he vented.

He also can’t help but wonder if ending their friendship over this is understandable or if he’s making a mistake.

Have you ever fallen for a friend? Do you think time and space will be good for him to move on? What other advice would you give him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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