
He’s Been Ignoring His Wife Ever Since She Compared Him To One Of Her Exes Right After A Romantic Evening Together

Still, he thought she was lying, and he flat-out told her that. Nonetheless, she just kept denying talking about her ex at all, and he was left feeling really hurt.

“I looked up who he is, and he’s been living in another country for a decade, so she’s not cheating on me,” he clarified.

Nonetheless, hearing his wife talk about another guy right after their romantic evening was heartbreaking, which is why he’s been giving her the cold shoulder ever since.

His wife has apparently been crying and begging for him to just talk to her, but he has continued ignoring her pleas.

She swore that she loved him and nobody else. She also said that he was her husband and that she didn’t want to be with any other guy.

“And now, I doubt myself,” he vented.

This has left him wondering if ignoring his wife is justified or if he’s going too far by giving her the silent treatment.

How would you feel in his shoes? Do you think the silent treatment is deserved or not?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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