
Here’s How You Can Whip Up A Crumble For Dessert Using Your Favorite Fruit

Next, you’ll want to prepare your crumble topping. A basic crumble topping combines about one and a half cups of all-purpose flour, a cup of white or brown sugar, a pinch of kosher salt, and one and a half sticks of cold butter.

The butter should be chopped into pieces about half an inch thick so that it can be worked into your crumble mixture with your fingers.

Be careful not to handle the butter for too long, as you want it to stay cold so it creates those tasty, tender, large chunks of topping that everyone fights over.

Once your crumble topping mixture is thoroughly combined and, well, crumbly, spread it evenly over the fruit base in your baking dish and pop it into an oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 to 45 minutes or until the fruit mixture is bubbling and the crumble topping is golden brown.

If your crumble topping seems to have baked faster than your fruit in the middle of cooking, you can cover your dish with aluminum foil for the rest of the baking time.

There you have it: all the elements needed to make a delicious fruit crumble with any kind of fruit, any time of year.

What’s your favorite type of crumble?

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