
Here’s How To Tell You’re Getting Love-Bombed And Exactly What To Do About It

Things are progressing too quickly

As I mentioned earlier, if you feel as though your relationship is moving too quickly, you may be experiencing love bombing.

If you find yourself learning your partner’s deepest, darkest secrets only a few weeks in or hear the words “I love you” way too soon, it’s not necessarily a good thing. Don’t ignore a relationship dynamic that feels a little too fast-paced.

They’re constantly providing acts of service or giving you gifts

Sure, it’s amazing to have your partner do something for you on occasion, like bring you breakfast in bed or complete an errand you were dreading. It’s even better to get the occasional surprise gift, like a piece of jewelry. However, when this is happening constantly and gets overwhelming, it could be a sign of love bombing.

After all, how can you be expected to keep up with all those gifts and services? How does your partner expect you to ‘repay’ them?

They want to be in constant contact with you

This is a pretty obvious sign of love bombing, as most people would agree that having a partner who demands to hear from you several times a day and expects to know where you are all the time is unsettling.

Sure, it may seem sweet that your partner always wants to hear from you at first, but everyone needs personal space, and you shouldn’t feel pressured to contact them constantly.

They make you feel as though they can’t be without you

You know how it always seems so romantic in movies when one of the leads tells their love interest that they can’t live without them, they’d die if they didn’t have them, they’re soulmates, etc.?

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