
Her Sister Texted Her A Photo Of Her Engagement Ring Just To Make Her Feel Bad That Her Own Boyfriend Hasn’t Proposed After 12 Years

That was what made her realize it was time to cut them out, too, just like how she handled things with her mom.

She even went so far as to block her siblings on social media so she could finally take a break from them.

Now, she has been with her boyfriend for 12 years and has been pushing him to get married. She’s questioned her boyfriend about engagement rings, as well as what kind of a timeline he has in mind for having a wedding.

She’s been talking about taking the next steps for years, and her boyfriend hasn’t made any moves.

“It has become a rather sore spot for me,” she admitted. “Some days I feel like “Okay, all things in due time” and other times I feel like if they wanted to propose they would… and they haven’t.”

“I’ve felt hurt, worthless, sad, not good enough and all the other bad feelings associated with wanting something with your partner they do not seem to actually want despite asserting otherwise. It’s hard not to get your own delicate perception of self-worth intertwined with the rejection of not even being asked after such a long period of time.”

“I’m almost starting to feel cheated of my youth by a person who doesn’t actually want to marry me… He came from a great family with parents who are still madly in love and still married, so I’m not sure if that plays any role in it.. like, does he think that I’m not good enough?”

Her sister is well aware of how sensitive a subject this is for her, even though they’re no longer on speaking terms.

Recently, her sister sent her a text message of her engagement ring, and she didn’t send a caption along with it: it was just the photo.

Her sister has only been dating her boyfriend for two years, and this guy popped the question to her.

Her sister knows how hurt she is that her own boyfriend hasn’t proposed to her after over a decade together.

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