
Her Sister-In-Law Came At Her For Going Back To Work And Putting Her Baby In Daycare, So She Said She Wouldn’t Want To Sit Home And Change Diapers All Day Like Her

By that point, she was seriously ticked off and decided to speak her own mind, too.

“I understand. We all have different preferences. I wouldn’t want to sit home and change diapers all day,” she responded to her sister-in-law.

This immediately made the whole dinner table go quiet, and she and her sister-in-law didn’t speak to each other for the rest of the night.

Afterward, she also found out that her husband basically took his sister’s side. He believed that, even though his sister was being rude, she should have been the “bigger person.” So, he wants her to apologize.

“He thinks I ‘stooped to her level’ and gave her a reaction, which she was looking for,” she vented.

In the wake of the awkward dinner, she does feel like she reacted badly and embarrassed her husband in the process.

Still, she’s not sure if putting her sister-in-law in her place was deserved or if she really did cross a line.

Do you think her sister-in-law was out of line for commenting on her going back to work? Should she have to apologize, or do you think her sister-in-law owes her an apology?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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