
Her Sister-In-Law Came At Her For Going Back To Work And Putting Her Baby In Daycare, So She Said She Wouldn’t Want To Sit Home And Change Diapers All Day Like Her

opolja - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 31-year-old woman is a brand-new mother to a beautiful baby girl, and next week, she will be returning to work. Of course, she is stressed out and exhausted.

“But also loving being a mom and excited to get back to the office,” she said.

Her 35-year-old sister-in-law is also a mother and had a daughter about a year before her. However, unlike her, her sister-in-law decided not to go back to work – becoming a full-time stay-at-home mom instead.

Their different parenting preferences were never an issue, either, until this past Saturday, when they both went over to her in-law’s house for dinner.

While talking to her mother-in-law, she brought up the fact that she was heading back to work soon and mentioned the daycare she plans to send her daughter to.

That was when her sister-in-law – who she thought always seemed threatened by her – decided to voice an opinion. More specifically, her sister-in-law said it was unbelievable that she was placing her daughter in daycare at such a young age.

“My sister-in-law then said her baby ‘has a charmed life’ because she gets to nap in her crib each afternoon and have her mom around,” she recalled.

The remark made her a bit annoyed, yet she still tried to just brush it off. She even told her sister-in-law what a great mom she was.

This helped the conversation move forward, or so she thought – since, later, her sister-in-law made another random comment about how she’d never want to have her job. For some context, she works as a lawyer, and her sister-in-law stated that all lawyers do is “stress and fight all day.”

opolja – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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