
Her Sister-In-Law Called Her Ungrateful For Getting Upset About The Size Of Her Gender Reveal Party, Even Though Her Only Request Was That The Celebration Be Kept Small

Her husband didn’t like how upset the situation made her, either, and decided that they needed to confront her sister-in-law about it.

Yet, when they called her out on going overboard with the gender reveal party, her sister-in-law accused them of being both unfair and ungrateful.

Her sister-in-law claimed to have put a lot of effort and thought into the party and simply wanted them to feel celebrated after struggling for so many years. In her sister-in-law’s mind, the more people attended, the merrier.

“I told her we are grateful; it’s just that we had only one request that she completely disregarded and that she has to understand how this could have upset us,” she vented.

Still, her sister-in-law just didn’t get it and thought she and her husband were being “too much.” She even called them rude for “coming at her” rather than thanking her for the party.

So, in the wake of all this drama, she can’t help but wonder if getting upset about the size of her gender reveal party really was “ungrateful” or not.

Can you understand why she didn’t want to share the news of her pregnancy with so many people? How would you have felt in her shoes walking into the big gender reveal party that day?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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