
Her Sister Asked Her To Call Off Her Wedding, Since She’s About To Marry Her Ex

omelnickiy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Girl code is relatively simple: you should never date your friend’s ex, nor should you date any friends of your own ex, and if you see something when it comes to cheating, you should say something.

This 24-year-old girl totally ignored girl code when she started dating her 28-year-old sister’s ex, and it never crossed her mind that it would come back to haunt her.

Not that long ago, she got engaged after four years together with her fiancé. Her fiancé did go on several dates with her sister before he figured that they were not actually compatible.

Throughout her relationship, her sister has been seemingly supportive, even though it’s an awkward situation for sure to date someone your sibling did.

Lately, her sister has been acting distant, and she guessed it was because her work schedule has been hectic.

“A week ago, we were having a family dinner, and I asked my sister to be my bridesmaid,” she explained.

“My sister agreed, but she was silent throughout dinner, and when we were helping mom (59F) clean up, she accused me of stealing her boyfriend. She told me that there was never an amicable breakup, and my fiancé had asked me out while they were still dating.”

“My sister can be an attention seeker a lot of the time, and I’m pretty sure she’s making this up just to take away attention from my engagement. I spoke to my fiancé, and he assured me he waited 4 months after their break up to ask me out.”

Yesterday she asked her sister to get coffee with her, and while they were doing that, she mentioned to her sister that she wasn’t remembering the past correctly.

omelnickiy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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