
Her Husband’s Been Texting Another Woman Behind Her Back And Sending Her Money

BullRun  - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
BullRun - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 29-year-old woman’s 30-year-old husband is originally from a very poor country. Back when she met him, he had recently immigrated to where she’s from, and they started dating in college.

As a whole, their relationship is excellent, but there are a couple of things she uncovered in the past that almost made her leave him.

For example, he had a secret social media profile and even flirted with women this way. They got into serious fights after she confronted him, and they came close to breaking up after every argument.

However, they were able to move forward, and now she’s eight months pregnant with their very first child.

Unfortunately, she just found out that her husband has been texting another woman behind her back and sending her money.

She always knew her husband had sent money to his family members, but he never mentioned this mystery woman to her.

As soon as she found out about her husband’s secret, she refrained from confronting him so she could get more evidence together.

“They talk daily, send each other good night texts, talk about me, he apologizes when he can’t talk to her, and he has even started taking some phone calls in the car, which I find suspicious,” she said.

“I feel deeply betrayed because if this was innocent, why wouldn’t he mention that he is so close to another woman? He always complains that he is broke although he makes a high wage for our state, $90k a year, and although I make less than him, I end up having to pay off his credit card and cover big-ticket expenses in our house (which I bought before we were married but has now become our marital home).”

BullRun – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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