
Her Husband Went On One Last Date With His Ex Just A Few Days Before Their Wedding To Make Sure She Wasn’t The One Who Got Away

Katie/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who was still low-key hung up on an ex? A woman was shocked to learn that her husband went on a date with his ex-girlfriend just a few nights before they got married to make sure he was making the right decision.

She and her husband have been married for three years and recently had a baby girl.

Since they’ve been together, she’s heard a lot about his ex-girlfriend. Her husband’s family refers to his ex as ‘the one who got away’ and often talks about how beautiful and great she was.

Her husband broke up with his ex because he didn’t see himself having a future with her, but that doesn’t mean she left his and his family’s minds.

Still, her husband remained faithful and true as a partner and never gave her the impression that he wanted his ex back.

“He was secure enough in his heart and told me he loved me a few months into our relationship,” she said.

“I never felt like he was lying or that I wasn’t enough. He is fully aware of what people think about him leaving his ex, and he gives the impression that he thinks they are silly and childish.”

For the most part, her husband has been great at defending her and putting his relatives in their place whenever they mention his ex.

All of this has been very reassuring, but she found out something during a recent visit with her mother-in-law that shook her to her core.

Katie/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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