
Her Husband Thinks He’s Sick Even Though Multiple Doctors Have Told Him He’s Not, And It’s Destroying Their Lives

Earlier this evening, she and her husband went out to dinner, and he was just looking at his phone and ignoring her.

She attempted to talk to him a couple of times, but he got mad. Eventually, she questioned her husband about why he no longer likes her.

“He said he does like me, but he hates being alive and hates everything in life,” she added. “He said he hates even trying to talk to me because all he wants to talk about is ALS, and he knows I’m tired of hearing about it and having the same conversation about it.”

“He said nothing in life brings him joy except our son, but that thinking of our son makes him sad because he knows he’s going to be dead in a year due to ALS.”

She had no response because how do you begin to address all of that? She’s managed to survive living with her husband so far, but she doesn’t think she’s capable of remaining married to him for much longer.

Her husband’s insistence on being sick when he’s not is destroying their lives: there’s no way around it.

She can no longer ignore that her husband isn’t going to change and start believing in medical professionals.

“I don’t know if this marriage is even worth saving because, at this point, I feel like I’ve lost all love for him, and he’s not even the same person he was 8 months ago,” she continued.

“I keep hoping he’ll snap out of it, but even then, I don’t know if I can ever go back to how we were. And it wasn’t all that great to begin with, anyway.”

“So my question is, do I keep trying to stick this out and help him through this, or do I focus on myself and my kids?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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