Categories: Relationships

Her Husband Blamed Her For Their Accidental Pregnancy And Hasn’t Been Supportive At All, So She Doesn’t Want Him In The Delivery Room

Katharina Buczek

So, she thinks his attitude is horrible. She also doesn’t feel like she can talk to him about the issue because, whenever she’s tried to in the past, he just gets defensive and claims that “everything” is always his fault.

Thankfully, her oldest daughter – who is 18 years old – has been very excited about her pregnancy and extremely supportive. On top of that, her daughter even wants to be in the room when she gives birth, which is going to happen via c-section.

That’s why, given her husband’s actions over the last few months, she’s considering asking him not to be in the delivery room and just taking her daughter instead.

“I feel like with all the negativity he’s giving off, it’s going to sour my birthing experience with my last baby,” she vented.

Still, she just isn’t sure if asking her husband not to be there when their final child is born would be justified or make her a real jerk.

Do you think it’s fair that her husband blamed her for the pregnancy? Does he deserve to be in the delivery room after how he’s been acting? What would you do in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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