Categories: Relationships

Her Friend Went Off On Her Because She Said She Found Her Husband The Most Attractive After They Had A Baby Together

Chip Chick

Her husband helped out with the kids, got her anything she needed, and ensured she got enough rest, which, as most moms can agree, means a lot after everything they went through in the delivery room.

Plus, he was super loving and affectionate, which some couples struggle with after welcoming a new baby.

She was always impressed by how he managed to be an excellent partner on top of working a tiring corporate job.

“He made sure to spend time with and pay attention to the other kids and encourage them to spend time with and bond with the new baby,” she added.

“Just seeing him seamlessly take on all the responsibility in the world, and the divinely masculine love and care from him [is] so attractive to me.”

As she attempted to vent about all of that, her angry friend kept interrupting her. It became clear that her friend thought she meant she only found her husband attractive whenever he was able to give her a new child, which she felt was also disrespectful to her children.

“My other friend said that she understood what I was trying to say, but it could have been interpreted negatively as well,” she explained.

After that strange interaction, she began to wonder if what she said was weird or wrong.

Do you understand what she meant by that, or did her friend overreact?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Chip Chick

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