
Her Boyfriend Was Awestruck By Her Sister’s Beauty, Then Asked If She Was Single

Thirty minutes later, she went to wash her face in the bathroom and her boyfriend tagged along too.

“He then said, “Your sister is really pretty,” and he had kind of an open-mouthed wide-eyed look on his face,” she said.

“I didn’t respond and just looked at him. He then said, “Is she single?” To which I responded, “What the [heck]?” And he then said, “No, not for me, because I have a younger brother.” I was annoyed and hurt but didn’t want to ruin the night, so I chose to believe that’s all he meant.”

She was able to push that aside and still enjoy the evening with him. They also ended up sleeping together for the very first time.

The following morning, they both woke up and were lying in bed, talking about a bunch of different things.

She can’t recall what topic led her boyfriend to bring up her sister again, but that’s exactly what he did.

“He says something along the lines of, “Your sister is so pretty…like really…so pretty. I was like shocked when I saw her,” and he went on for awhile about how pretty my sister is,” she added.

“Seemingly oblivious to how sad it was making me. Obviously, this hurt my feelings. Especially because I feel like (I know) that he didn’t have that same awestruck jaw-dropping reaction when he saw me the first time.”

“Again, this was months ago. But I can’t get it out of my head. For the past few years, I’ve harbored real insecurities about my looks compared to my sister’s, and these comments from my boyfriend really exacerbated those feelings.”

Any time that her boyfriend talks about her sister or notes something her sister does, she just thinks about how gorgeous her sister is and how she pales in comparison to her.

She loves her boyfriend, but she’s worried that if he had met her sister before her, he would have instantly picked her sister instead.

She’s also concerned that her boyfriend knows he’s more attracted to her sister than her. She’s not trying to be dramatic, but something inside of her is saying she should probably dump her boyfriend.

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