
Her Boyfriend Freaked Out Because She Didn’t Do Anything For His Birthday, Even Though He Rejected All Of Her Ideas And Said He Didn’t Want To Celebrate

AnnaStills - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman is currently in a relationship, and it was recently her boyfriend’s birthday. So, in the days leading up to the big day, she asked him on numerous occasions if he wanted to celebrate in any particular way.

She asked if he wanted a present or to do an activity, but he turned her down. She suggested they go out to lunch or dinner, even at his favorite Italian restaurant, but he said no.

“I suggested a lot of things, and they all got rejected,” she recalled.

The only thing her boyfriend said he wanted was a new bag, which she bought him.

Then, closer to his birthday, he claimed that he might have some plans with coworkers and friends to go out for either lunch or dinner. And she thought that was great.

Still, the day before his birthday, he kept making a big fuss about his age and how he didn’t want to celebrate getting older. She tried telling him that it wasn’t a big deal and that he shouldn’t be thinking like that since he really wasn’t that old.

Nonetheless, on the day of her boyfriend’s birthday, he continued to act “super mopey.”

“When he was in that mood in the past, he wanted to be left alone, and I’ve gotten yelled at before for not leaving him alone. So I figured he just was feeling a bit down and wanted to be left alone,” she explained.

So, she just headed off to work as usual. Yet, in the middle of the afternoon, her boyfriend wound up freaking out on her – accusing her of not “caring” about him because she didn’t do anything to celebrate him.

AnnaStills – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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