
Her Best Friend Pushed Her To Try On Her Wedding Dress, Then Got Mad At Her

After she exited the bathroom, she found Ally sitting on her couch, facing away. Ally wouldn’t look in her direction until she passed her the dress.

She invited Ally to go out for lunch, but Ally declined. She then asked if perhaps they could hang out, but Ally still said she wanted to pass.

“I asked if I did anything wrong, and she said no. I know how stressed she’s been with wedding planning, so I figured she wanted to work on that stuff without me,” she continued.

“I went home, and later that evening, I got some texts from her saying: “I’m pretty upset that you lied to me about the dress. You said it looked pretty when it didn’t look good on you.” I responded with: “I do think the dress is pretty even though it doesn’t look good on me. I am sorry for lying – I should have told you it didn’t look good on me.”

“She hasn’t responded, but she did read the text message. What should I do to fix this situation? Right now, I’m letting her cool off, but I’m not sure if I should be doing more.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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