
He Was Unfaithful Years Ago But Just Asked His Wife For A Divorce After Finding Out She’s Been Sleeping With His Friend

Oleg Kozlovskiy  - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Oleg Kozlovskiy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

9 years ago, this man got married to his wife, and they have been together for 12 years in total. They have two children, a 4-year-old and an 8-year-old. A year after their youngest was born, he carried out an affair with one of their mutual friends.

He deeply regrets what he did. His friend was relocating to Germany with her husband, and he slept with her six times before she made the move.

He and his wife weren’t physically close for more than a year, and that’s what tempted him to go for his friend.

He presumed his wife would never learn of his infidelity, but his friend spilled the beans to his wife a year later.

His friend decided to leave her husband, and she was weighed down by guilt, which was her reason for telling the truth.

“She either wanted to take me down with her, or she assumed we would divorce and we might get together,” he explained.

“Either way, I graveled and begged my wife’s forgiveness. She wanted to divorce but didn’t. I know she stayed mainly because of how hard it is to be a single mom, and I hoped she would eventually forgive me.”

“She asked that I agree to let her have an affair like I did with someone of her choosing as a condition of staying married, and I stupidly agreed because I didn’t think she would actually do it.”

It hasn’t been easy moving forward, but he thought his wife found it in her heart to forgive him. They’ve been working well together raising their kids, have a great physical bond now, and even purchased a home to live closer to her mom and dad.

Oleg Kozlovskiy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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