Categories: Relationships

He Told His Coworker It’s Unprofessional Of Her To Take Personal Calls During Work Hours, But She Got Upset

Chip Chick

“I pulled Sara aside and told her that she needed to stop taking personal calls during work hours because it was distracting and unprofessional,” he recalled.

“I mentioned that it was affecting our productivity and that she should save personal calls for her break times, but she got really defensive and told me that I had no right to tell her what to do.”

Sara tried defending herself, telling him she was trying to manage her work-life balance, and he said he needed to mind his own business.

While some of his coworkers greatly appreciated him for speaking up, others feel he should’ve handled the situation differently.

What would you do if Sara worked in your office?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Chip Chick

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