
He Told His Best Friend That His Wife Was Planning To Drain Their Joint Savings Account And Move Across The Country Behind His Back - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you found out your friend’s spouse had a secret plan to drain them of their money and take off, how would you go about telling them?

A man was recently in the uncomfortable position of having to warn his friend that his wife had plans to flee town and divorce him after getting the information from his wife.

He’s 29 and friends with a married couple named Jack and Abby, who are in their early 30s. He and Jack have been good friends for a while, and Abby and his wife, Elizabeth, formed a close friendship after he introduced them.

Sadly, it’s been a rough year for Jack and Abby, as they’ve undergone some stressful experiences. For instance, Abby lost her job recently, and the two of them were involved in some drama with her family.

As things got worse for Jack and Abby, Abby felt she needed a change and confided in Elizabeth, telling her how she was planning on making one.

“Abby told my wife over coffee that she’s planning on leaving Jack since their issues have been so bad,” he explained.

“She said that soon she plans on clearing out their joint savings and checking [accounts] and moving across the country, then filing for divorce.”

When he saw Elizabeth after her meeting with Abby, she seemed “off,” and after pressing her for details, she told him everything Abby had told her.

He was shocked, and his first instinct was to tell Jack right away, as he didn’t want to see him return home from work one day with an empty bank account and no wife. Elizabeth said she disagreed with him as she didn’t want to betray Abby, but as Jack’s friend, he knew there was no way he could avoid warning him. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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