
He Thinks It’s Unfair For His Younger Brother To Inherit 50% Of The Family Business Since His Brother Hasn’t Done Any Work To Build The Company

He believes this is completely unfair, given his brother’s lack of work for the company. Sure, he’s fine with everything else in terms of personal assets getting equally divided. But he thinks it’s wrong to also give his brother half of the company.

“Especially because there wasn’t any help coming from my brother building the business, and there won’t be any help coming from him in the future, and he’ll still get the 50% cut at the end of the day,” he reasoned.

“I love my brother with all of my heart, but I think this is unacceptable.”

He told his mother exactly how he felt about this, too, but she just didn’t understand. Rather, she’s now furious at him for not accepting her terms.

So, he wound up telling her that if she stood by her decision, he would just leave the family business and start his own company.

“And you can do what you want with yours,” he told his mom.

Still, he can’t help but wonder if believing his younger brother doesn’t deserve 50% of the family business is really so crazy or not.

Do you think all siblings are entitled to equal shares of inheritance? Or is it different when it comes to family businesses, and one sibling has simply put in more work than another?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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