
He Saved Up To Pay For His Sister’s Prosthetic Leg For Years, But His Wife Is Angry That He’s Continued Sending Her Money Afterward

New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Many spouses get into arguments when money is sent to one of their relatives on numerous occasions. 

Well, this man is in the same boat and has been arguing with his wife, as she is upset that he is still sending some of his savings to his sister to help her pay for a prosthetic leg. The most frustrating part is that before they wed, he made it clear that he’d be committed to doing it for a while.

He and his wife are in their late 20s and have been married for two years. They don’t have any kids, and he’s been working since he was 21.

Once he landed his first job, he began putting 15% of every paycheck he received into a special savings account.

“I wanted to save up enough money to get a really nice, functional prosthetic leg for my sister, who is an amputee and lost her leg when she was 16,” he said.

His sister has been using lower-quality, cosmetic legs, wheelchairs, and crutches for a very long time.

Back when he was dating his wife, prior to when they got engaged, he informed her about his savings system and made it clear that he would continue to save a portion of money for his sister for the rest of his life.

His wife was fine with that idea and actually seemed pleased about it, as it proved he was a caring brother. Shortly afterward, they tied the knot.

About a year ago, he had finally saved enough funds to buy his sister a high-quality and expensive prosthetic leg and even had a bit left over to help fund for her physical therapy appointments.

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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