
He Postponed His Wedding After Learning His Fiancée Planned To Include Photos Of Her Late Husband In Multiple Parts Of Their Big Day

To be clear, he understands just how important his fiancée’s late husband was to her. Nonetheless, he didn’t want his photo included in so many aspects of their big day.

“I’d feel uncomfortable with his pictures in our wedding, especially when they’re so prominent,” he reasoned.

Well, when he tried to speak his mind, he and his fiancée got into a massive fight. She said she couldn’t believe that he was jealous, especially when her late husband was dead.

Afterward, his fiancée even asked if he thought that she was going to sleep with her late husband during their wedding.

All of this drama made him immediately have cold feet about tying the knot, which is why he decided to postpone their wedding.

“And honestly, I’m thinking of calling it off altogether,” he vented.

Even so, he can’t help but wonder if pushing back their nuptials over his fiancée’s insistence on including her late husband’s photos was justified or a jerky move.

Is it normal and acceptable for widows to want to honor their late spouses at their second wedding? At the same time, do you think his fiancée’s plans took this idea too far? How would you have reacted in his shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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