
He Kicked His Girlfriend Out After She Got A BBL Without Telling Him And Blew Nearly All Of Her Savings On The Procedure

Ever since he kicked his girlfriend out, though, she hasn’t stopped blowing up his phone. She admitted that she should’ve discussed the surgery with him first before going through with it. She also claimed that he would “love” the results once she had fully healed.

Even so, his girlfriend knew that he wouldn’t support her getting that surgery or spending so much money on it.

On top of that, he found out that she had to take time off from work for her recovery and went straight back to using her credit card.

“She says if I don’t forgive her and take her back, she’ll be forced [back] to where she was financially a year ago. I told her that’s none of my business,” he vented.

Nonetheless, in the back of his mind, he can’t help but wonder if kicking his girlfriend out over this was really an overreaction and if he acted like a jerk.

How would you have reacted in this situation? Did he have a right to be furious at his girlfriend or not?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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