
He Forced An Obese Man To Switch Plane Seats With His Wife And Got Called Out For Being Fatphobic

The large man became more frustrated and acted out by purposefully placing his right foot under the seat in front of him.

At this point, he hailed a flight attendant and inquired about whether there was a different seat available for him to move to, but the plane was booked.

Presenting a compromise, the flight attendant asked the larger man if he would be open to swapping seats with his wife and sitting in the aisle seat.

The man’s wife was fine with that idea, but he still wouldn’t take the aisle seat because he didn’t want to get up anytime his wife went to the bathroom.

That’s when he thanked the flight attendant and sarcastically told her he would actually stand up every 20 to 30 minutes to use the restroom because he had a small bladder. Then he said that if his seatmates switched their seats, he might be able to hold it in.

“[The] big boy finally got the hint and agreed to swap with his wife,he explained.

“Then, another large passenger chimed in to say I was ignorant and judgmental for forcing him to change seats and embarrassing him in public. I disagree.”

The man’s wife apologized for her husband‘s behavior, and the rest of their travels went without a hitch.

While he does feel bad for judging the man for his lifestyle choices, he doesn’t feel guilty about standing up for his personal space.

Was he wrong to force the man to switch his seat?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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