
He Feels Like His Wife Is Haunting Their House Ever Since She Moved Out And They Got Divorced

He began sobbing inconsolably and kept crying until he gave himself a headache. He hasn’t felt that level of heartbreak since back when his mom passed away. In the days that followed, anything that was connected to his ex-wife made him cry.

“I think I had a form of love I wasn’t noticing, hidden by all boredom, time, and routine, and it kept lingering until the end,” he said.

“I removed, as expected, every object related to her still in the house. Every picture from my phone, too. But that’s all for nothing: in fact, there’s no unrelated object. We built this house together.”

“The dishwasher, the glasses in the cupboard, everything has a memory of her. Blank walls remind me of happiness lost forever. So I feel that my house is haunted by a living person. I wonder if I’ll be forced to move.”

What advice do you have for him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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