Categories: Relationships

He Doesn’t Want To Reconnect With His Daughter From His Previous Marriage After She Chose His Ex-Wife’s Affair Partner Over Him

Chip Chick

He was devastated and tried for years to get his daughter to speak to him, but she wouldn’t. He did eventually meet a new woman, married her, had a son, and came to accept the harsh notion that his first child would forever be estranged.

But recently, that all changed.

“My ex contacted me because my daughter has been in therapy and, I guess, realized something,” he said.

“She wants to talk and meet my son.”

He was such a wreck after the drama with his daughter that he fears trying to reconnect with her in any way would make him vulnerable to more painful experiences, so he plans to tell his ex he wants to stay no-contact with her.

“I know she is my daughter, but I simply don’t want to risk it,” he added.

“It could have huge consequences for me, but for her, it might not be as bad; after all, she was fine for the past seven years, and she is an adult now.”

Should he reconsider meeting with his daughter?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Chip Chick

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