
Divers Retrieved Over 300 Ancient Glass Vessels From The Floor Of The Black Sea, Which Seemingly Came From A Shipwreck

Pottery fragments from the Hellenistic period were located to the west of the area where the glass was found.

Additional excavations resulted in a lead rod and stone fishing weight from the Roman period, ancient Greek vases and medieval ceramics from the 12th and 13th centuries.

Furthermore, a medieval pier was discovered at the southeastern end of the bay. The pier was often referenced in historical documents from European diplomats in the 18th and 19th centuries, offering a peek into its past as a bustling harbor where goods were repeatedly loaded and unloaded. As a result, this part of the bay had much economic importance.

Overall, these diverse finds all highlight the significance of the Chengene Skele Bay as a center of activity over many centuries. Following conservation work, the glass items will be exhibited at the RHM Burgas.

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