
Boyfriend Blindness Can Cause You To Defend All Your Partner’s Actions And Behavior, Whether It’s Toxic Or Not

You idolize him too much

While it’s sweet to see your partner in a beautiful light and for them to inspire you, you shouldn’t idolize them too much.

Don’t put them on a pedestal and start thinking of them so highly that you believe they can do no wrong. After all, we’re only human, and we can all be wrong from time to time.

You ignore your friends and family who don’t like him

Sometimes, friends or relatives can be too stuck up or picky when it comes to praising who we bring home. However, these people have likely known you longer than your boyfriend and only want the best for you.

Instead of being super quick to defend your boyfriend, listen and keep an open mind when your loved ones criticize him, as they may be trying to point out something important.

You make more sacrifices than he does

In relationships, each person should make sacrifices for the other and put in equal effort when possible.

If you’ve made most of the sacrifices and put in more effort, sure, it means you’re a good partner, but it also means your boyfriend is slacking.

See if he can meet you halfway and do as much for you as you do for him.

When boyfriend blindness goes a little too far, it can be toxic and hurt you in the end if he continues to disappoint you. Stay in touch with your feelings, and don’t be afraid of getting some outside perspective from friends, family, or a counselor. Trust your gut, and you’ve got this!

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