
Boost Your Mood And Breathe A Little Easier With These 10 Houseplants That Would Love To Live In Your Bedroom

kseniaso-, illustrative purposes only

Along with serving as lively decor, indoor plants have air-purifying qualities that will both boost your mood and leave you feeling like you can breathe a little easier.

So, here are ten plants that will absolutely love to live in your bedroom.


Aglaonemas can tolerate both dry and moist conditions. They can also thrive in low light, so they’re perfectly suited for dim bedrooms and forgetful plant owners.

Their pink and vibrant leaves will brighten up your space so that you’ll be greeted with a cheery plant every morning when you wake up.

Snake Plant

Snake plants are a favorite among plant lovers because of the eye-catching structure of the leaves. With green leaves that shoot straight up into the air, a snake plant can add a neat, modern look to your bedroom.

Golden Pothos

A beautiful trailing plant with flecks of gold on its green heart-shaped foliage, the golden pothos is ideal as a hanging plant. Fix it to your ceiling, or let its leaves sprawl over the edges of your bookshelf.

kseniaso-, illustrative purposes only

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