
Alice In Wonderland Syndrome Is A Rare Neurological Condition That Can Make You Feel Like Your Body, The World Around You, And Time Are Shifting In Strange Ways

Some believe that AIWS is just an aura, which is a warning sign of the onset of a migraine. Auras are characterized by visual or sensory disturbances.

Other researchers think that unusual electrical activity in the brain causes abnormal blood flow to the regions of the brain that are in charge of visual perception.

So far, it has been determined that the leading cause of AIWS in adults is migraines. In children, the primary cause is infections.

Other possible causes include stress, stroke, epilepsy, brain tumor, cough medicine, and use of hallucinogenic drugs.

There are no official diagnostic criteria for AIWS because of the rarity of the condition and how short-lived it is.

A doctor can make a diagnosis by reviewing the symptoms and running a series of tests, such as an MRI scan, an EEG to measure electrical brain activity, and blood tests to rule out viruses/infections.

Treatment of AIWS is tailored to each individual case. Generally, the best way to handle AIWS episodes is to rest and wait for them to pass. Remembering that the symptoms aren’t harmful is also important.

If a person has migraines or an infection, treating them can prevent future episodes from occurring. AIWS usually gets better over time and may disappear altogether in adulthood or after any underlying conditions are treated.

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