
A Physicist Has Suggested That There Is An Anti-Universe Running Backward In Time, Which Could Explain Where All The Antimatter Went

“If the universe exists as a universe/anti-universe pair, then it expands in an accelerated manner,” Kumar wrote in his paper. “The same reasoning can be extended to the anti-universe if we take it to be a half-space defined by region t < 0.”

The bounds of the universe/anti-universe pair would be where time equals zero, and the two universes would be disconnected. For anyone who doesn’t want their matter to be instantly obliterated, the anti-universe is closed off. The anti-universe also must be running back in time for the idea to work.

If this were all true, both universes would expand by themselves without the help of dark energy. It would explain what happened to all the antimatter—it is in another universe that we can’t access. Over time, more observations will determine if the theory can be supported.

The paper was published in Gravitation and Cosmology.

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