
While Working As A Mall Security Guard, She Spent Hours Chasing Down A Ghost That Was Wandering Around After Closing Time

pressmaster - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When TikToker Tanya (@tanya_01) worked as a security guard at a mall, there was one day when she had to spend hours chasing down a person who was still wandering the mall after it had closed. And it turned out that the individual had been a ghost the entire time.

That day, there were five security guards on duty, including her. After the mall had closed, she circled the parking lot to make sure no one was still around. Two security guards were in the office making the announcement that the mall was now closed.

Everything was good until the two guards in the office noticed that someone was in the food court. The person was wearing a black hat, a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes.

He was standing next to the ice cream shop. So, a guard who had been walking the perimeter headed to the food court to check out the situation.

When he arrived, he couldn’t see anyone in the area. The guard walked to the spot where the person should’ve been standing, but there was only empty space.

Tanya was then called over to weigh in on the situation. She looked at the cameras and saw a man standing in the ice cream shop with his hands in his pockets. His back was facing the cameras.

The moment she started looking at him, he suddenly vanished without a trace. They were still studying the cameras when he popped up in a shoe store. Tanya and another security guard decided to go down to the shoe store.

Of course, there was nobody in sight. The guards in the office informed them that the man had moved toward an exit.

So, they went through the two sets of doors that led to the outside of the mall. Again, they didn’t see anyone. When they tried to go back in through the first set of doors, they were mysteriously locked from the outside.

pressmaster – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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