Whenever Guys In Committed Relationships Slide Into Her DMs On Social Media, She Always Exposes Them To Their Girlfriends

anoushkatoronto - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
anoushkatoronto - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever posted on your social media feed or story and had a man โ€“ who you know is in a committed relationship โ€“ either “swipe up” and send you a message or react to your photo with suggestive emojis, like “heart eyes?”

In that scenario, what’s the best course of action? Should you pretend you never saw anything and keep your mouth shut? Or should you reach out to the partners of those men and expose them for hitting on you?

Well, one woman always ops to do the latter. Whenever a guy who’s taken “slides into her DMs” and tries to flirt with her, she doesn’t just let them get away with it. Rather, she always reaches out to their girlfriends and exposes them for being shady.

“Why?” Because if my man did that, I’d want to know,” she explained.

Not to mention, if someone’s boyfriend is “very obviously thirsting” over other women and even goes so far as initiating conversations with them, it just feels really wrong not to let his girlfriend know.

“To me, that’s borderline cheating,” she said.

After all, it just takes one girl to respond and show interest back for a guy to end up cheating on his girlfriend.

That’s why she believes that any girl would want to know if their boyfriend was hitting on other women. On top of that, it gives them an opportunity to “dodge a bullet” and end their relationship before it’s too late and the cheating is already done.

“As someone who’s been cheated on, I wish people would have let me know about this kind of behavior before I wanted any more time on them,” she vented.

anoushkatoronto – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Still, she can’t help but wonder if exposing men to their girlfriends for hitting on her on social media is universally accepted as the right thing to do.

Do you agree that women have to stick together and let each other know if their boyfriends are hitting on other girls? Or is it best to mind your own business? What would you do in a situation like that?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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