
This 105-Year-Old Woman From California Finally Received Her Master’s Degree From Stanford University After Leaving The School In 1941

One of the most impressive things she did was demand that when her daughter, Anne, started first grade, her school allow her to take an advanced English class instead of the recommended home economics course.

She felt learning to read, write, and analyze text was more important than learning how to cook, which was something she could be taught at home.

After becoming such a powerful force at her daughter’s school, Virginia became a member of the school board and stayed on for over 10 years, helping decide what courses would be best for its students.

Virginia then worked her way up, becoming a more influential role in her community’s school system.

She was chair of the Yakima School Board of Directors, was on the board of directors for Yakima Community College, and served on the board of Heritage University in Toppenish, Washington, for 20 years.

Today, Virginia still resides in Washington and does as much community work as possible while enjoying more leisurely activities like reading and gardening. She is not only a grandmother but a great-grandmother as well.

Then, in June, Virginia was invited to participate in the Stanford Graduate School of Education graduation ceremony and finally receive her master’s degree.

Virginia proudly walked across the stage at Stanford University and received a standing ovation as she finally held her well-deserved and long overdue degree in her hands 83 years after she left.

Congratulations, Virginia, and thank you for all you’ve done for your community’s schools!

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