
She’s Worried That Her Mom’s Retirement Plan Is Relying On Her And Her Sibling To Fund Her Life

Look! - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 21-year-old girl was recently discussing retirement plans with her 50-year-old mom, and she was horrified by how that conversation went.

Her mom joked that she expects her and her sibling to basically fund her life after she retires from the workforce.

She prompted her mom to get serious and think about retirement in a way that didn’t involve her and her sibling.

“I just wanted an unbiased talk about her financial independence and planning after she retires, but from what I hear, she genuinely sounds like she does not have a solid plan and will most likely depend on us for income after retirement,” she explained.

“Obviously, I’m not happy with that; she’s practically setting me up to be stuck in a sandwich generation before I get the chance to even try and work myself.”

“She started talking about how I’m so scared of supporting her after she retires and brings up the fact that she always spends money raising me and giving me things and whatnot. Recently I felt that she’s started to give me things in order to weaponize it later on, saying how she’s so gracious and I’m unfilial for treating her like that.”

Her mom does have a job currently and isn’t retiring in the near future, so she can’t grasp why her mom is so down to rely on her and her sibling to support her financially.

Her mom is capable of planning for her own future, and she’s failing to see why that’s not her mom’s first strategy.

Lately, she’s taken a break from college and began working at a low-paying internship. Her mom keeps remarking on how she has failed to give her any money and that she does so much for her.

Look! – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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