
She’s Thinking Of Calling Off Her Wedding Since Her Fiancé Blames His Inability To Complete Basic Tasks On His ADHD

Yakobchuk Olena - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Four years ago, this 39-year-old woman started dating her 43-year-old fiancé, and they are planning on moving in together soon.

Their wedding is happening this winter, and it’s going to be private and simplistic. Her fiancé does have ADHD, and he takes medication for it.

While he’s quite successful in his career, he blames his inability to complete basic tasks on his ADHD.

She’s a very understanding person, but she’s grown so frustrated by her fiancé hiding behind his ADHD that she’s honestly thinking of calling off her wedding.

He refuses to clean a single thing in his home, which works out for the most part, as he has a cleaning lady come once every week to pick up.

However, his cleaning lady has been out of the country for the last three weeks, and he’s allowed dishes to pile up like crazy.

Her fiancé hasn’t done laundry, taken out the trash, or changed the sheets on his bed, which are coated in fur from his two dogs.

The lack of cleanliness in her fiancé’s home right now actually isn’t what she has the biggest issue with: it’s that he’s always late billing his clients.

“He doesn’t want administrative help from other people (he wants ME to do it, but I also have a full-time job),” she explained.

Yakobchuk Olena – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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