
She’s Refusing To Give Her Soon-To-Be Ex-Husband His Beloved Houseplant In Their Divorce, And Everyone Thinks She’s Just Being Petty

Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 34-year-old woman is currently in the midst of a messy divorce with her soon-to-be ex-husband Tim, who is 36.

They dated for three years before tying the knot seven years ago. But, for the past couple of years, she felt as though their relationship was crashing and burning.

Still, as they finalize their separation, there is one last factor causing a ton of tension – her husband’s beloved houseplant.

Apparently, Tim has had a monstera plant for the last five years, and he’s totally obsessed with it. He even named the plant Lily, which was the name they planned to use for their future daughter!

“He talks to it, waters it meticulously, and even has a special grow light for it. It’s his pride and joy,” she explained.

Yet, while they were splitting up their assets for the divorce, her husband opted to take the car, the TV, most of their furniture, and their pet dog. Strangely, he left behind the monstera.

At the time, she thought her husband had made a mistake. That’s why she actually packed the plant up along with the rest of his belongings.

However, when he came to pick up his stuff one day, he actually refused to take the plant. He claimed that Lily “belonged” there so she could thrive and accused her of not understanding the plant’s “needs.”

“Excuse me? I wouldn’t understand a plant’s needs? This man-child left me with a houseplant he clearly cares more about than our marriage, and now, he’s making it seem like I’m incapable of taking care of it. Fine, challenge accepted,” she explained.

Pixel-Shot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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