
She’s Pregnant But Doesn’t Want To Marry Her Boyfriend Because She Can’t Get Over His Disastrous Divorce

illustrissima - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Four years back, this 30-year-old woman met her 36-year-old boyfriend, and two and a half years ago, they moved in together.

Throughout the majority of their relationship, her boyfriend has been divorcing his ex-wife, whom he separated from six years ago.

The divorce took four long years, and it was a disastrous process. Her boyfriend never anticipated that it would be so hard, but his ex-wife pretty much did everything in her power to draw out the separation and make his life impossible.

She’s currently pregnant, and two months into her pregnancy, her boyfriend’s divorce finally was completed.

She’s at the three-month mark right now, and her boyfriend brought up getting married in the near future.

The problem is that she already informed her boyfriend she has no interest in tying the knot while pregnant and adding to that, the divorce took a huge toll on her too.

She suffered along with her boyfriend, and it wasn’t an easy journey being with a guy in the middle of divorcing another woman.

“He’s a very kind and loving man, but I often felt dehumanized when it came to his status with his ex-wife,” she explained.

“I’m at this point where I don’t want to get married because of his divorce and all that mess. I’ve always wanted a wedding and all that, but I don’t have that wish anymore. I don’t know why; I don’t know how to describe this feeling that I have, but I just don’t want to.”

illustrissima – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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