
She’s Not Letting Her In-Laws Meet Her Newborn Daughter After They Barged Into The Delivery Room, Took Photos Without Her Consent, And Posted Them On Social Media

Alena Ozerova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or baby

Many people know the struggle of having overbearing in-laws. In those situations, things tend to get worse when children are introduced to the mix, and their in-laws suddenly believe they can see and ‘parent’ their grandchildren whenever and however they want.

One woman recently decided that her in-laws were not allowed to visit her newborn baby girl after they barged into the hospital room in the middle of giving birth against her wishes.

She’s 29, and her husband is 32. They’re over the moon after she recently gave birth to their newborn daughter, Lily.

Unfortunately, while they’ve been living in baby bliss, they’ve also been stressed out because of her husband’s parents – her in-laws.

“My mother-in-law, Karen, and father-in-law, Bob, have always been overbearing and intrusive, but my husband and I have tried to keep the peace,” she said.

“Throughout my pregnancy, Karen constantly criticized my choices, from my diet to my birth plan.”

Before she was due to give birth, Karen told her she demanded to be in the delivery room, and she firmly told her no. That made Karen very angry, and she threw a fit, claiming that she had a right to be in the room because she was Lily’s grandmother.

On the day Lily was born, she and her husband checked into the hospital with no issues, and her labor began progressing quickly. Then, suddenly, as she was trying to push her baby out, Karen and Bob burst through the doors of the delivery room. 

She found out Karen and Bob had lied to hospital staff and told them she wanted them in the room, which made her feel incredibly uneasy as she tried to give birth, filming her and crowding her.

Alena Ozerova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person or baby

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