
She’s Not Attending Her Friend’s Destination Wedding In Hawaii Because She Has A Severe Fear Of Flying, But The Bride-To-Be Is Disappointed

Timo Günthner - - illustrative purposes only
Timo Günthner - - illustrative purposes only

This 30-year-old woman’s close friend, who is 28, recently announced her engagement and has already started planning her nuptials. There’s just one big problem – her friend plans to tie the knot at a destination wedding in Hawaii.

Now, for many people, getting to go to Hawaii is a dream come true. In fact, after her friend started sharing all of the wedding details with the rest of their friend group, everyone seemed thrilled.

But, for her, the idea of traveling to Hawaii is a total nightmare. That’s because she has a severe fear of flying ever since she had a traumatic experience many years ago.

“Since then, I’ve avoided long flights whenever possible,” she said.

In order to attend her friend’s wedding, though, she would have to take a 10-hour flight from her hometown. And even the thought of traveling there is already giving her extreme anxiety.

So, she tried to talk to her friend and explain how she felt, but it was clear that she disappointed the bride-to-be. Her friend also suggested that she just try going to therapy or taking some medications to manage her fear.

Still, she doesn’t think either of those things would work for her.

“I’ve tried therapy in the past, but it hasn’t completely alleviated my fear, and I’m uncomfortable relying solely on medication for such a long flight,” she detailed.

That’s why she ultimately decided that she just couldn’t attend her friend’s destination wedding, and it has sparked some drama in her friend group.

Timo Günthner – – illustrative purposes only

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