
She’s Considering Calling Child Protective Services On A Woman For Leaving Her Two Young Kids Home Alone While She Went To The Bar And Had Five Margaritas

Africa Studio - - illustrative purposes only

Deciding when it’s appropriate to start leaving children home alone is a difficult question for all parents. However, most would agree that leaving any kid under the age of 9 or 10 years old at home by themselves is not safe.

So, what would you do if you found out another parent was leaving their young children – aged just 5 and 3 years old – home alone while they went out to drink?

One woman recently found herself in this situation, and she now wants to contact authorities to report it.

For some context, she was invited out to drinks with one of her friends the other night. Her friend also invited another woman who has two kids – ages 5 and 3.

“But the woman said that she couldn’t [come] until her children were asleep,” she recalled.

So, she and her friend were hanging out at the bar by themselves when, around midnight, the woman walked in and started ordering some drinks.

This prompted her to ask whether the woman was able to secure a babysitter for the evening. Well, the woman simply said no – revealing the kids were home by themselves.

The woman also went on to claim that it wasn’t a big deal since she lives only a few minutes across town and has cameras and monitors throughout the house in case anything were to go wrong.

Afterward, the woman actually stayed at the bar for nearly two hours – leaving once and showing back up again. Throughout that time, the woman also drank five margaritas.

Africa Studio – – illustrative purposes only

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