
She Wouldn’t Pay For Her Friend’s Dinner After They Forgot Their Wallet, Even Though It Was Her Friend’s Birthday

gpointstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
gpointstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Just last weekend, this woman and her friend group went out to celebrate her friend Lisa’s birthday.

There were six women attending the dinner in total, and they all enjoyed a great meal – ordering appetizers, entrees, drinks, and some dessert.

“When the bill came, it was quite high, but we all expected that since it was a special occasion,” she recalled.

However, once their server brought over their check, Lisa – the birthday girl – claimed to have forgotten her wallet at home. So, Lisa asked if someone else could cover her meal and promised to pay them back the following day.

Once Lisa did that, she quickly became annoyed, too, since apparently, this was not the first time Lisa had “forgotten” her wallet.

“In the past, Lisa’s taken weeks to pay people back, and sometimes she forgets entirely until someone reminds her multiple times,” she revealed.

That’s why she ended up saying she wasn’t comfortable paying for Lisa’s meal. She also suggested that Lisa just Venmo her the money for her dinner on the spot so she wouldn’t have to front any money.

Well, after she did that, Lisa apparently looked embarrassed and claimed not to have her phone either since it was left in the car.

“The rest of the group looked uncomfortable, but one of my other friends, Sarah, offered to cover Lisa’s portion,” she explained.

gpointstudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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