
She Wouldn’t Let Her Friend Use Her Rare Plant For A Home Decor Magazine Photoshoot, So They Haven’t Spoken Ever Since

Then, she found out yesterday through a mutual friend that Clara was really hurt and believed she wasn’t being supportive of her photography career.

Her friend also revealed how the other plant options that Clara had come up with just didn’t fit the photoshoot’s aesthetic. So, her friend’s been left scrambling to try and find some suitable replacements.

“I feel bad for letting her down,” she vented, “But I also feel justified in protecting something I worked so hard to cultivate.”

Still, she can’t help but wonder if refusing to let Clara use her rare plant for the photoshoot makes her a bad friend.

Can you understand why she’s nervous about something happening to her plant? What would you have done in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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