
She Went On The Most Incredible First Date With A Guy Who Said He Couldn’t Get Over How Much She Weighs, Even Though He’s Obese Too

nicolabester_photo  - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
nicolabester_photo - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This young woman, who is in her late 20s, recently went out on the most amazing first date with a guy. It was actually the best date she’s ever been on in her whole life.

Now, she is technically obese, even though she has worked hard to lose 90 pounds over the last two years.

She knows that she grew up medicating herself with food (as well as not moving around) after she survived a childhood full of neglect and poverty.

But she is aware of why she packed on the pounds over the years, and she’s made a choice to change that.

“I’ve overcome a physical disability (unrelated to my weight) to achieve more health and movement than anyone in my family ever has,” she explained.

“I’ve gone from a US 28 to a US 16. I take dance classes and do archery 3x a week; I track every crumb that goes in my mouth; I haven’t had heavily processed carbs in weeks; I haven’t had an actual soda in 2 years.”

She has a great sense of pride in her achievements in regard to her health and well-being. Recently, she met a guy online named Richard, who is on the larger side, too, with the same amount of weight left to lose as her.

Richard used to be chubby in his childhood, but he dropped a lot of weight when he went to college and was involved in sports.

In his senior year of college, he suffered an injury that caused him to put most of what he lost back on.

nicolabester_photo – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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